Our Story of Recovery & Rebuilding

Just before midnight on Easter Sunday, April 12, 2020, the campus of Grace Baptist Church and Academy was struck by a category 3 tornado, causing catastrophic damage. The buildings were so degraded that 15 structures and over 148,000 sq. ft. were lost.  You can watch the first video message to the Grace family after the tornado from our Head of School, Matt Pollock by clicking here. 

Within a few short days, a steering committee called the Disaster Recovery and Rebuild Committee (DRRC)

was authorized by the Church Board to guide our recovery and rebuilding efforts. This group included our Senior Pastor-Adam Love, Executive Pastor-Mike Swanson, Head of School-Matt Pollock, GBA Director of Advancement-Les Compton, and church/school leaders; Alan Walker, Paul Snyder, Tom Crum, John Parshall, and Greg Estes.  A tenth member was added when we hired GBA parent of alumni and recently retired TVA engineer, Stan Haber as our Project Manager.  Since those first meetings in a local hotel conference room, this team has met over 50 times to strategize and direct this monumental task. 

Please take a tour with us through these "Accordion Boxes" below as we share our story in the following "chapters".

How Did We Get Here?  Where Are We Now?  What's Next?  Highlights and Updates, and finally, What Can You Do?

  • How Did We Get Here?

    It was disappointing to immediately learn that our property insurance was woefully inadequate to cover this catastrophic damage. However, very soon after this, we were thrilled to learn that Grace would qualify for funding from Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA-based upon the Stafford Act which was revised in 2018 to allow faith-based schools to qualify for disaster relief).

    As application for these funds was initiated, we began working with an ex-FEMA employee to help guide us through the gauntlet of document submittals and conferences. This work has been highly intensive and time-consuming as we have waded through the bureaucracy of the federal government. Initiatives have included communication with local, state, and federal elected officials to gain their support. 

    All counsel from both FEMA staff and consultants indicated that we could expect FEMA to provide the funding necessary to rebuild the same capacity (148,000 square feet of buildings as well as recreational fields) with building code upgrades, and energy efficient updates.

    Within that first month of recovery efforts, we also engaged with our long-time architect partners, Rardin and Carroll to revisit previous development plans and create a master site plan for a completely new ministry campus. Due to required upgrades, we found that energy-efficient and high-quality materials must now be used, improvement of safety and security and more effective ministry spaces would be realized. Great excitement across the Grace constituency began to arise as we recognized this as an opportunity to build for the future rather than rebuilding the past nor even the present. Members of the church along with staff provided significant input resulting in adjustments and improvements in this new design. God has given us the opportunity to complete an interconnected, interdependent, holistic plan for Grace ministries.

    With support from the congregation, we entered a contract with Tyson and Associates, a local construction company to begin the building process in the late summer of 2020. With an overlapping, four-phase plan set up, it was determined that we would use all insurance funds totaling about $20 million to go as far as we could. Immediately, Tyson’s team got started with Phase 1 which required extensive earthwork including re-grading 20+ acres and installing below-ground infrastructure. Their plan implemented a counterclockwise cycle beginning in the northwest corner with the required large retention pond and then continuing with athletic field redevelopment down to the corner of Shallowford and Jenkins where the main church building is located. Construction would continue north on Jenkins Rd. 

    As we look back, it is noteworthy that the extensive remodel of the Grace Children’s Center was finished by December of 2020 and reopened for full capacity of over 100 children. Furthermore, the only mission house which survived the storm was also repaired and returned to full usage in 2020.

  • Where Are We Now?

    It was understood from the beginning that completion of all phases would take well into the year 2023 especially with the strong confidence given to us that FEMA would complete their authorization and distribution of funds by late 2021. However, this did not materialize as the bureaucracy of the government’s systems creates a very lengthy process and slower even than what we imagined. While just over $1 million dollars has been received from FEMA so far, we still await tens of millions yet to be released by FEMA. We also are praising the Lord for generous gifts from individuals and foundations over the past two years, currently totaling over $1.5 million.

    As the construction process went forward with exceptional speed, unfortunately, the process with FEMA was equally as slow. We eventually recognized we would use all our insurance funds by the end of 2021 forcing us to call for a work stoppage. Contractors responded graciously as we were able to pay every contract invoice to date. We rejoice to note all of Phase 1 was completed which included earthwork and “below-ground” infrastructure (storm water control, utilities, etc.) Some of Phase 2 also shows great progress with much of the recreational fields finished and base surfaces of parking lots installed. Phase 3 was initiated with foundation laid and steel framing for the first building erected. 

    Another disappointment occurred in the summer of 2022, as FEMA indicated they would not grant some funding of our damage. With help from professional contractors and legal counsel, we learned this is not unusual for FEMA and it would require us to enter a formal appeal. God had already led us to retain legal experts in dealing with FEMA and we prepared the appeal with support from the law offices of Baker-Donelson. The appeal was submitted in Fall of 2022, but a final decision is not likely until Fall of 2023. (For most recent news, see Highlights and Updates October 2023 below)

  • What's Next?

    The timeline for restarting work is based upon having enough funds on hand for Tyson and Associates to be confident they will be able to complete the work. Naturally, with all insurance funds already used, our primary source for funding is currently FEMA and we continue to see good but very slow progress toward finalization of this grant. Once we receive letters of obligation from FEMA and have secured adequate funding, Tyson has indicated they will immediately begin the process of restarting construction. 

    At this point, our FEMA grant status is as follows:

    • All current questions have been answered and all initial claim documentation has been submitted.

    • FEMA forwarded our project in June 2023 to the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers for a required third-party, expert cost analysis. (For most recent news, see Highlights and Updates October 2023 below.)

    Although it was disappointing to be forced to appeal the determination by FEMA disputing some of our damage claims, it is important to recognize that FEMA is just one of several sources of funding God has already presented to support our building project. While the insurance pay-out gave us a great start, it now has become even more evident that our own giving is playing a significant role in the opportunity to complete the entire vision for the future of Grace’s ministries, both those we have now and those that can be developed. Giving today supports the vision of completing the master plan in a timely manner.

  • Highlights & Updates 2024

     The original claim of damages for Grace Baptist ministries was submitted to FEMA at a value of over $70 million. This was the estimated cost to rebuild the campus as it was, but up to present codes.

    The new master plan was originally estimated to cost $65 million.  The approved master plan is designed to return all ministries to our original capacity, yet with significant improvements in efficiency, effectiveness, and security. This is not a rebuild-it is a new build, a long range vision for the future.

    Total spent on the construction project by the end of December 2022 was about $23 million. This included paying for debris removal, demolition, purchase of adjacent 4+ acres, remodel of the Children’s Center and mission house, grading 20+ acres, installing below-ground infrastructure, and initiating new construction.

    The cost to finish the entire master plan is yet to be determined due to the need for re-bidding all remaining construction. With soaring inflation and building supply chain issues, some have suggested an estimate of $45 million to $50 million may still be needed for completion of the entire master plan.

    The pending Letters of Obligation from FEMA are expected to be finalized once costing re-estimation is completed, enabling us to initiate the process for restarting work onsite. The first objective will be to complete that which is already under construction, with the goal of occupancy in about 6 - 8 months after work begins. Work will continue through the final phase with adequate funding.

    Pursuit of additional funding to fill the remaining gap continues for completion of the master plan. Individuals are encouraged to consider what God may have them contribute. Charitable foundations are also being approached for support.


    In a letter dated October 2, 2023, FEMA notified Grace Baptist Ministries that our formal appeal of the denied funding for our project had been granted, effectively nullifying their original assigned grant of just about $30 million for the loss of our major structures.  This has been our prayer since the appeal was submitted almost a year ago, and we are deeply grateful God has graciously given us the answer for which we asked.

    Having accepted the evidence we supplied with the assistance of professional contractors and guidance from legal counsel, FEMA is now committed to completing their re-estimation of our damage costs based on the documentation we provided. 


  • What Can You Do?

    Pray for:

    • God’s provision of needed funds from a variety of sources to complete the entire master plan.

    • God’s help in gaining access to our granted funds from FEMA as well as processing our appeal.

    • Wisdom and sustaining energy from God provided for our leadership team, the DRRC.

    • Maintaining a testimony with all around us of complete trust in our great God.

    Praise God for:

    • His provision for our church at 1st SDA Church.

    • His provision for our school at Morris Hill Baptist.

    • Continued growth across our ministries.

Consider what God desires for you to give now toward the future of Grace ministries.

Tell our story and connect our leaders  with people who care about our ministry and may desire to support our work financially.

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