Welcome to the Learning Support Services of Grace Academy. I am Nancy Cooper, the Director of Academics. Our Learning Support program is affiliated with the National Institute for Learning Disabilities (NILD). This program is provided to meet the needs of our students with learning differences. It is a deficit intervention that targets perception and cognition through individualized and/or small group therapy. The therapy is intensive, interactive, and produces independent learners.
Students work 160 minutes per week with a trained educational therapist. There are 26 techniques that are tailored to each learner’s individual needs and presented strategically through mediated learning. Students are equipped to succeed academically and in life as independent learners. The therapists, and I work together to develop strategies that will enable greater success with regular academic classes and/or SPED Resource Classes. NILD has been helping students since 1973. You can read more about it here.
Our Learning Support Services also include a kindergarten screening. This identifies students who may be at risk for learning. We use the SEARCH instrument and offer the teaching component TEACH to prevent early learning failure. Finally, Reading RX is offered to assist 2nd grade students and above who are below grade level in reading skills.
I would love to meet you and discuss your child's educational history. Perhaps you are experiencing a serious challenge with your child's academic growth. Grace Baptist Academy may have some solutions for you. Please don't hesitate to email me at
ncooper@mygracechatt.org or call or TEXT the school office at 423-892-8224 to schedule an appointment.
B.S. Elementary Education
Indiana State University
M.Ed. Admin./Supervision
Trevecca University
Ed.S. Curr. & Instr.
Liberty University
B.S. Early Elementary Education
U. of Tenn. at Chattanooga
M. Ed. School Counseling
University of West Georgia
Administration & Inclusion
Ed. S Administration/Supervision
Lincoln Memorial University
B.S. Organizational Psychology Covenant College
M. Ed. Special Education Administration & Inclusion
U of Tenn at Chattanooga
B.S. Secondary Education
U. of Tenn. at Chattanooga
B.S. Elementary Education
M.Ed. Education
Union University