“...Although Grace challenged me as a teenager, as an adult and mother, the principles that had been instilled in me… shaped the person I became.”
-Gretchen Cross Hammel ‘96
“Grace helped prepare me for life, both academically and spiritually and gave me a strong Christian Worldview to use wherever I go in life.”
-Gage Keeble ‘22
“Grace is the best Christian School in Chattanooga! Kids care about each other; teachers help the kids meet high academic standards and grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ.”
-Kevin Mowery, Parent
“...Nothing is static; existing programs must be further developed and new programs added. The growth and development of these programs and projects are signs of vitality and life.”
-Les Compton, Director of Advancement & Development
“...Grace gave me a sense of belonging…The drama and the amazing musicals, combined with Grace’s beautiful and strong choir, gave me a way to feel included, part of something important.”
-Alexandra Moore ‘16
“When I step onto a field or court for Grace, I think of sacrifice. My teammates and coaches are family to me. Grace Athletics has taught me to do everything for God's glory."
-Bo Swanson ‘23